Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Movin' on Up

My cousin Erin had showed me her gourmet breakfast and threatened to tag me in all of her daily cooking adventures. Naturally, I thought it was most appropriate to send her my breakfast Tuesday morning, after three hours of sleep.

While I was in Florida, I got out of a weekend of hard work around the house.  Clearing out the first floor for painting meant that we no longer had chairs.  I think this was done on purpose so that any time we thought about sitting down, we’d decide to clean and pack instead.  Lucas, ever resourceful, found a loophole in the plan.

We all went to Red Robin to celebrate Nate’s birthday, in his absence. Happy Birthday, Nater!  We had piled into Zach’s car.

Zach: You know what Kate, after me driving her around for a year and half, said to me? 
Me: What?
Zach: “Has any one ever told you that you’re not very good at driving?”

I had been telling folks at dinner about how I like highlight people’s names in an email when I really need them to pay attention at work.  Zach added that he often just reads the subject line of emails and if it looks important, then he’ll read it.  When he told his teacher this, the professor retaliated with ending all of his emails for the rest of the semester with, “Someone remind Zach to read this email.”

I also received this instructional guide from Erika in the mail.  I guess I need to step it up? And be sweeter? Maybe you could just pick one or the other? :P

Not sure if other parents/pet owners do this with their babies, but I like to spend my last 45 min every day completely and totally riling up my pup until he falls asleep from exhaustion.  The other night I decided to take some pics of how pleased my pup is when we’re playing so I could share with all of you. Yw.

Mister curious also jumped in the flower pot this week.  I think he makes a perfect Percy plant, what do you think?

While I was the only one at mass on Wednesday, I did get Dawne and Lucas to agree to give up something for lent.  I also promised to observe Passover, but that’s WEEKS away.  J

On Saturday morning, Jordan, the birthday boy, walked into the kitchen wearing a cookie monster shirt.

Lucas: I only like sugar and simple carbs
Jordan: You or Cookie Monster?
Lucas: Me.  I started the morning with marshmallows. 

The 5 of us spend the weekend packing up rooms and clearing them out for the move.  Jordan was working on his action figures, and making it very clear that he had to work on his birthday.  Dawne consistently responded with, “I don’t feel guilty!” I wouldn’t either if had been working every day, non-stop, to empty the house.  Actually, I haven’t been working that hard, and I still didn’t feel guilty. :P  Lucas and I tackled the music room.  Back in 2008, Zach and his friends, during a party, spray painted this room.  And then, we covered in egg crates to sound proof it for Luke. With the last box moved, I took a quick picture.  No staging needed.  Love what you did with the place.  J

Then, I went upstairs to help clear Zach’s room.  He had a tighter deadline b/c people were coming in on Monday to tear out the ceiling and fix some damage.  When they took the couches out, they lowered them from the balcony to the deck.  I wasn’t there, but I heard that it was a much faster processes then was expected when the rope slipped and couch fell to the next level.  Luckily, no one was hurt, and the couch lives on.  Becky also stopped by on Saturday.  I realized when we were looking for matching sheets for the neighbor’s son, I had forgotten to clear out an entire dresser of clothing.  Realizing that much of it was too small (sad face) I packed it all up for Becky who has been looking very skinny lately.  Then, because there were no seats, I brought Becky down to see the brown house progress, we moved some furniture, broke something, then cleaned it up, and then it was about ready for Becky to skedaddle.  J

Me: Do you take Baths?
Becky: Seems kind of a personal question, but I’m an over sharer.  ;) Why yes, I appreciate a hot bath now and then.

And that’s how she got a box full of bubbles and bath salts. 

On Saturday evening, we took baby Harper out to her first restaurant – Tu Casa (of course.)  We shared one last meal with Dawne’s Aunt Elizabeth, along with Matty, Jason & Diana.  It was a super nice way to end her trip here.  On Sunday, I went to brunch with Shana, Laina & Dr. Rach, followed by a pedicure.  It was super nice to see everyone, and especially nice to get a move break.  J

Percy boy is obsessed with leather.  It’s weird, but true.  He found this wallet, buried in the bottom of a box and spent the last couple of days “hiding” it, staring at where he hid it, and then moving it again.  At least someone is enjoying the move.  My mother, on the other hand, was very disappointed that he found an empty wallet.   Who knew I was supposed to encourage stealing?

I hope you all are doing well, keeping strong on your Lenten promises, and staying positive.  J

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