Monday, November 23, 2009

Break me off a Piece of that... Turkey

So much has happened!  Though it might not be the best-one-i-cous… I think you’ll enjoy the multi-media-cus of this weeks edition… 

I hope you all took the time to watch my bff Al Gore on 30-Rock.  I thought it was particularly hilarious that he took the quote he has plastered all over his book and then said “Like the Old African saying that I made up...”  In case you missed it:

According to Tina Bo Bina, Jacob is actually 35.  Pamela is convinced he’s more like 50.  I am comfortable with 25.  Either way… he is delic… and I don’t feel at all guilty about saying it, or thinking it.

Tina: I wonder if his parents had to sign a release form for this picture.
Shana: Mmmmmm Stairway to Heaven
Rollie: Is that what that’s called?  Lord knows I’ve never seen that before…


New Moon Party was a success… Watching Twilight with Shana as she yelled “SHOT!” every time Bella bit her lip or put her hair behind her ear… took the entertainment level to a whole new level.  I just loved that I was wearing the same exact necklace as Alice… during the movie… b/c I am that cool.  Oh… and Jimmy Kimmel wanted to share a trailer for all of those who haven’t converted yet… (Seriously, you’ll love it even if you aren’t a fan of the movie.)
And if you are a not a Robert Pattison fan (You know I’m not—and it’s not just b/c of this: ), but are a Daniel Radcliff fan… and missed the craze of this video that happened months ago, or just want to enjoy it again… here it is again.
This morning… Tina asked me if I had watched the football game this weekend.  Confused b/c we were just talking about Jacob...  Oh just watch and see:

Rollie was watching it with his parents at dinner and his mom asked “Are they on the same team?”
Okay let’s see, Monday, I got another migraine and had to cancel dance. Tuesday I became best friends with Al Gore. Wednesday was birthday dinner with Matty Matty Simpson. Thursday was my first dance lesson.  Friday, Jason helped me move a kayak up from the shore b/c the water level is rising.  I swear this kayak was heavier than the one I carried the day before.  As we were maneuvering it over the stream I twisted my ankle.  Jason said “At least it wasn’t me this time.”  Then, b/c I didn’t want to be that girl who cancels dance twice in a week, I danced for two hours straight that night.  It was hella hurty on my way home… just touching the clutch made me want to cry.  But at least I learned the Tango and the Cha Cha right?  When I told Sean that I hurt my ankle, he said “I told you that speed dating was dangerous.  You need to slow down.  Did you wear a helmet?”  I assured him that I would, when the time came, wear a helmet so that guys knew right away how special I am.


In all seriousness, that a”Bom”ination that is the new mouse got our wonderful and entertaining Pudgy sick.  We could tell something was wrong, but this morning she looked half dead.  It was so super sad.  Dawne called around to find a vet that would look at her.  When she brought Pudgy in she said “Listen, I know it’s just a 3 dollar mouse, but it’s MY mouse.” The doctor thinks she has pneumonia… I sure hope he can do something… I’m really not happy with Bom right now.  And Thanks, I’ll just assume that you all sent me back this card in response:


Maureen is getting a hotel in the city for her in the boys Wednesday night so that the boys can see the balloons blown the night before and then wake up early and see the parade.  The boys kept saying “Yay! A hotel!” and she kept saying “and we’ll see the parade.”  “Uh huh, ya mom, a hotel! Will there be a pool!!”  Dawne and I gave her instructions to take lots of pictures and footage so that we could do a slide show and feel like we did it with them.  Maureen—This is for realz.  Don’t disappoint. 

Also let me know if you see that Jamaican guy that saved our Thanksgiving.  Oh I should tell that story first.  One year, when I was young, let’s say 7?, my parents took us down to the Parade.  Unfortunately, on the way down there, we got a flat tire.  So, Sean and Mo took me to the parade while my parents found a way to get a new tire.  When we got back, Frita told us how they couldn’t find anyone who was open to help, but then this Jamaican guy showed up and sold him a tire.  Sean and Maureen asked what he looked like and it was determined that it was the same guy that we had seen a couple blocks away jacking up a car and taking a tire off of it.  So we came back to Jefferson Valley, and had dinner with the McDonough’s and when asked to say grace Maureen piped up and said “And thanks to that Jamaican guy who stole that tire for us.  Amen!”


I imagine this might be what our crowd looks like, not discussing health care, but after the result come in from the manger building contest at our Thanksgiving Day.  I’ll save the rest of the Thanksgiving stories until after… Have a good one!

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