Monday, January 4, 2010

Freezing Your Assets

“It looks like your life just got awesome.” –Debina Hall

While in reference to finding out that I didn’t need to make the trip down to Manhattan to see Janette, I still think that I am going to make this my New Year’s phrase to aspire to.  First, b/c I think Debina, and all of her lovely phrases, are hilarious.  Second, b/c I am wishin’ and a’ hopin’ that it’s actually true.  And thirdly, a lil bit of me wonders if I could just adjust my expectations so that little things like spending the evening on the couch instead of freezing my assets on a Saturday night made my life awesome, than I could truly create quite the wonderful life for myself. 


I woke up this morning with the overwhelming sense that I had an extreme amount of tasks to accomplish today without a single one of them relating to actual work.  Turns out 2010 is going to be an awful lot like 2009 only now I get to say Twenty-Ten, which always makes me feel like I just stepped into the future. 


I managed to see 3 movies last week… and none of them were the much hyped Avatar who Jordan pointed out a glowing recommendation of in the paper: “as spectacular as “OZ”—a movie which was made 20 years ago with roughly 20% of the budget for special effects. 


I did almost pee myself watching Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin in “It’s Complicated” and no special effects were necessary.  I had a lovely time at Doreen’s for New Years where I got to try out one of the new games a I got for Christmas (Yea, I still get games for Christmas.  You should be so lucky).  We played some Pictionary Man.  My niece Bailey thoroughly impressed me by trying to draw whatever she got no matter that she had never heard of the clue.  For example she drew a picture of a road, and a girl putting on a name tag for “Abby Road”, a boy, a girl, and person wearing a bonnet in her attempt to draw “Bonnie and Clyde” and then she drew a picture of me reading the instructions for “Richard Nixon” b/c I used him as an example of someone you might need to draw when I was explaining how to play.  She is pretty much the awesome. 


After that evening, I managed to not change out of the same clothes until Saturday.  I finally showered after working out with Maureen—starting off the year right by working out on all machines that did not require my feet. I’m not sure if I’m more impressed with myself for working out or for not showering for multiple days. 


After watching Penn State win, I took a gander that sending a text to Rollie saying “How did those Huskies play today” would elicit a deserved “How Dare U?” and it did!  I was not prepared for the extremely undeserved geriatric and vampire/deal with the devil attacks on the beloved Jo Pa including “He looked mildly confused and was probably just wondering when the nice lady was going to bring him some puddin’ and put on Matlock.”  I understand. Sometimes jealousy can make people say things they don’t mean.  My dad wasn’t entirely pleased that I spent most of the game reading Pride and Prejudice on my new Kindle.  I looked up when I heard my parents yelling/cheering--so I think we’re good. 


I accidently started a rumor.  When my parents picked me up from the airport, I mentioned to them the news that Briana was pregnant.  They were shocked and then I said “Oh, wait, my bad.  BRIANA isn’t pregnant.  I meant Brianne is pregnant.”  Oddly they were more upset that my friend from elementary school had not called them right away to tell them the news, then the fact that they hadn't gotten a phone call about my cousin.  


n email you probably don’t even care to read.”  But I came up empty handed-- so I’ll just bid you adieu with:
Okay, a lil short this week.   I searched and searched for a card that said “Sorry my job search interfered with writing you a


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