Saturday, November 21, 2015

Hummingbird Food

How about instead of updating you on my life, you send me a little note about what's going on with you?  I'm sure it's fascinating, and a whole lot more intriguing than what I remember about this week. 

I did have a chance to meet up with Becky for lunch.  I brought a cup with coffeemate with me from home because frankly, I wanted to.  I also mentioned that my mom brings her own fat free dressing with her, so maybe it was a family thing.  Which reminded Becky of her own "family thing" mainly a special recipe from her childhood.

Becky: I bring my own syrup - two parts sugar, one part water with maple flavoring. Basically humming bird food because normal syrup tastes bitter to me.

Corrinne invited me to go to the Velodrome at Marymoor park on Friday.  This park is so big, that even after going there nearly every day, I still had no idea it even had a velodrome.  It was pretty cool, plus Corrinne's husband totally won for the season.   At one point, there was a false start which is when they apparently shoot a gun off to call the bikers back.  This is when Percy freaked out and ran away from me… right into the arms of an incredibly good looking man. Good Dog.

I also managed to look my debit card that night, mind you I found it in my car later.  But for a couple of hours I felt like a real dope.  The rest of the weekend was spend running around trying to get the right faucets, fixtures, doors and bits for the condo.  Did I mention how hella hard it is to make decisions when you have no idea about anything? Anyway, I'm watching Mulan while writing this and I just heard, "Did you see those Huns? The popped out of the snow... like DAISY'S!"  This movie slays me. 

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